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Certificates Lifecycle

Kamaji is responsible for creating the required certificates, such as:

  • the Kubernetes API Server certificate
  • the Kubernetes API Server kubelet client certificate
  • the Datastore certificate
  • the front proxy client certificate
  • the konnectivity certificate (if enabled)

Also, the following kubeconfig resources contain client certificates, which are created by Kamaji, such as:

  • admin
  • controller-manager
  • konnectivity (if enabled)
  • scheduler

All the certificates are created with the kubeadm defaults, thus their validity is set to 1 year.

How to rotate certificates

If you need to manually rotate one of these certificates, the required operation is the deletion for the given Secret.

$: kubectl get secret
NAME                                            TYPE                DATA   AGE
k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig                        Opaque              1      12m
k8s-126-api-server-certificate                  Opaque              2      12m
k8s-126-api-server-kubelet-client-certificate   Opaque              2      3h45m
k8s-126-ca                                      Opaque              4      3h45m
k8s-126-controller-manager-kubeconfig           Opaque              1      3h45m
k8s-126-datastore-certificate                   Opaque              3      3h45m
k8s-126-datastore-config                        Opaque              4      3h45m
k8s-126-front-proxy-ca-certificate              Opaque              2      3h45m
k8s-126-front-proxy-client-certificate          Opaque              2      3h45m
k8s-126-konnectivity-certificate         2      3h45m
k8s-126-konnectivity-kubeconfig                 Opaque              1      3h45m
k8s-126-sa-certificate                          Opaque              2      3h45m
k8s-126-scheduler-kubeconfig                    Opaque              1      3h45m

Once this operation is performed, Kamaji will be notified of the missing certificate, and it will create it back.

$: kubectl delete secret -l
secret "k8s-126-api-server-certificate" deleted
secret "k8s-126-api-server-kubelet-client-certificate" deleted
secret "k8s-126-front-proxy-client-certificate" deleted
secret "k8s-126-konnectivity-certificate" deleted

$: kubectl delete secret -l
NAME                                            TYPE                DATA   AGE
k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig                        Opaque              1      15m
k8s-126-api-server-certificate                  Opaque              2      12s
k8s-126-api-server-kubelet-client-certificate   Opaque              2      12s
k8s-126-ca                                      Opaque              4      3h48m
k8s-126-controller-manager-kubeconfig           Opaque              1      3h48m
k8s-126-datastore-certificate                   Opaque              3      3h48m
k8s-126-datastore-config                        Opaque              4      3h48m
k8s-126-front-proxy-ca-certificate              Opaque              2      3h48m
k8s-126-front-proxy-client-certificate          Opaque              2      12s
k8s-126-konnectivity-certificate         2      11s
k8s-126-konnectivity-kubeconfig                 Opaque              1      3h48m
k8s-126-sa-certificate                          Opaque              2      3h48m
k8s-126-scheduler-kubeconfig                    Opaque              1      3h48m

You can notice the secrets have been automatically created back, as well as a TenantControlPlane rollout with the updated certificates.

$: kubectl get pods
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
k8s-126-76768bdf89-82w8g   4/4     Running   0          58s
k8s-126-76768bdf89-fwltl   4/4     Running   0          58s

The same occurs with the kubeconfig ones.

$: kubectl delete secret -l
secret "k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig" deleted
secret "k8s-126-controller-manager-kubeconfig" deleted
secret "k8s-126-konnectivity-kubeconfig" deleted
secret "k8s-126-scheduler-kubeconfig" deleted

$: kubectl get pods
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
k8s-126-576c775b5d-2gr9h   4/4     Running   0          50s
k8s-126-576c775b5d-jmvlm   4/4     Running   0          50s

Automatic certificates rotation

The Kamaji operator will run a controller which processes all the Secrets to determine their expiration, both for the kubeconfig, as well as for the certificates.

The controller, named CertificateLifecycle, will extract the certificates from the Secret objects notifying the TenantControlPlaneReconciler controller which will start a new certificate rotation. The rotation will occur the day before their expiration.

Nota Bene:

Kamaji is responsible for creating the etcd client certificate, and the generation of a new one will occur. For other Datastore drivers, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL, the referenced Secret will always be deleted by the Controller to trigger the rotation: the PKI management, since it's offloaded externally, must provide the renewed certificates.

Certificate Authority rotation

Kamaji is also taking care of your Tenant Clusters Certificate Authority.

This can be rotated manually by deleting the following secret.

$: kubectl delete secret k8s-126-ca
secret "k8s-126-ca" deleted

Once this occurs the TenantControlPlane will enter in the CertificateAuthorityRotating status.

$: kubectl get tcp -w
k8s-126   v1.26.0   Ready      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m
k8s-126   v1.26.0   CertificateAuthorityRotating      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m
k8s-126   v1.26.0   CertificateAuthorityRotating      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m
k8s-126   v1.26.0   CertificateAuthorityRotating      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m
k8s-126   v1.26.0   CertificateAuthorityRotating      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m
k8s-126   v1.26.0   CertificateAuthorityRotating      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m
k8s-126   v1.26.0   CertificateAuthorityRotating      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m
k8s-126   v1.26.0   CertificateAuthorityRotating      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m
k8s-126   v1.26.0   CertificateAuthorityRotating      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m
k8s-126   v1.26.0   CertificateAuthorityRotating      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m
k8s-126   v1.26.0   CertificateAuthorityRotating      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m
k8s-126   v1.26.0   CertificateAuthorityRotating      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m
k8s-126   v1.26.0   Ready                      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m
k8s-126   v1.26.0   Ready                      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m
k8s-126   v1.26.0   Ready                      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m
k8s-126   v1.26.0   Ready                      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m
k8s-126   v1.26.0   Ready                      k8s-126-admin-kubeconfig   default     3h58m

This operation is intended to be performed manually since a new Certificate Authority requires the restart of all the components, as well as of the nodes: in such case, you will need to distribute the new Certificate Authority and the new nodes certificates.

Given the sensibility of such operation, the Secret controller will not check the CA, which is offering validity of 10 years as kubeadm default values.